The Jordanian Women's Union (JWU)


General Background

The aims of the JWU as stated by the amended bylaws

The JWU’s branches and centers

Membership in the JWU

Internal organization of the JWU

Membership in national and international networks

Permanent committees of the JWU

The committees of the branches

The activities of JWU

Contact Us

Website design and development by : Mohammed A. Alzou'bi



The activities of JWU:


1.Permanent on-going activities:

Since the early 1990's the JWU implemented three major pilot projects in the Kingdom, which were very well received by the public and formally recognized by the government.  These projects were initiated and run by specialized and well-trained staff. 


These projects are:


2.Lobbying Activities

During the period 1993-1999, JWU implemented many national campaigns aiming at influencing public opinion and decision-makers to amend discriminating laws against women. 

The national campaigns implemented and still to be implemented will cover the following laws:

1.  The Nationality Law

2.  The Election Law

3.  Family Law (minimum marriage age)

4.  Passport Law

5.  Divorce Law

6.  Social Security Law

7.  Honor Crime Law

8.  Heritage Law

9.  The Article in the Law relating to Women as witnesses

10.Custody Law


3.Awareness Activities

The Legal Illiteracy campaign:

The legal illiteracy campaign was initiated by the JWU in the year 1994 with the support of "The National Endowment for Democracy”. 

The JWU in cooperation with human rights organizations held fifty-five training courses for women in different areas of the Kingdom.  The training programmes concentrated on teaching women about special laws relating to women and  their status in the Jordanian society. 

4. Other activities

The JWU's branches and centers are implementing training and awareness programmes for women in the cities, villages, and camps dealing with the following fields:

              1.    Political Participation

   ·        Organizing workshops on women's rights

·        Providing women with discussion forums on issues relating to their daily lives.

  2. Economic Empowerment of Women

    ·        Training courses in embroidery, sewing and flower arrangement.

·        Income generating projects for low income groups

   3. Women and Child Health Awareness Through:

    ·        Preparing seminars and giving lectures on health aspects

·        Organizing free medical days in cooperation with volunteers and specialist